Admissions are closing on 15th Nov. Enroll Now Admissions are closing on 15th Nov. Enroll Now Admissions are closing on 15th Nov. Enroll Now


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Assignments (Continuous Internal Evaluation- CIA)

  • Each subject has 2 assignments which is part of Internal Continuous Evaluation(CIA)
  • Each Assignment would have Objective Type of questions (MCQ Type Questions)
  • Students should submit each assignments within a semester / year before appearing for their exams
  • Weightage for Internal Continuous Evaluation (CIA) is 30%
  • Each Assignment would be of 50 questions with 2 marks each
  • Passing criteria in each assignment is 50%

Term End Online Examinations

  • Examinations will be conducted tentatively in the month of January & July. This is subject to UGC notification on every admission batch last date for enrollment. The final dates would be communicated to students well in advance
  • Students would be filling the online exam form for the Slot Booking Process through the University website. The student selects the date, slot time and subject while filling the online exam form
  • The Controller of Examination would publish the exam notification with the dates for each subject. The student will be given a flexibility of 15 days to choose his/her own calendar. The student would get 3 online exam time slots on each day to complete the said exams
  • 10 am to 12 pm
    12.30 pm to 2.30 pm
    3 pm to 5 pm
  • Term end Online Exams would be for 2 hours each subject and it would be a mix of questions (Objective Type – 52 Questions with 1 mark each – Total 52 marks) and 3 subjective questions (6 marks each – Total 18 marks) Total 70 Marks
  • The weightage for Term end Online Examinations is 70%
  • Passing criteria in each assignment is 40%
  • To appear for the examination student need to complete the assignments as per last date provided by the university
  • The student can give backlog examination for previous semester/year if any, in the next exam cycle along with the fresh subjects of the subsequent semester/year
  • Rs.400 / Subject. For Second attempt Examination or Re-appearing for Examination the applicable Online Exam Fees (Per Subject) is: Indian Student INR 400/- International or NRI $10
  • Examination Fees are non-transferable and non-refundable
  • There would be no exceptions for the said examinations
  • Students who have past due payments will not be allowed to give their examinations
  • The results are declared within 2 months from date of last examination date of respective exam cycle
Grading System
At the end of all evaluation components based on the performance of the student, each student is awarded based on absolute grading system. As per the UGC norms, the list of absolute grades and its connotation are given below:
Qualification Grade Score on 100 Point
Outstanding ‘O’ 90 to 100 10
Excellent ‘E’ 80 to 89 9
Very good ‘A’ 70 to 79 8
Good ‘B’ 60 to 69 7
Fair ‘C’ 50 to 59 6
Below average ‘D’ 40 to 49 5
Failed ‘F’ Below 40 < 2
Absent in External Examination ‘I’ - -

Project Guidelines

  • For programs having project work students are required to submit a soft copy of the project undertaken.
  • Soft Copies of the Project Report should be uploaded in LMS and also mailed to university.
  • The project should be industry related topic selection as advised by the university
  • Refer the project guidelines as mentioned on the website
  • Project evaluation charges are Rs. 400/- for Indian student/ for foreign and NRI students it is $10
  • The project should be done by the student and must be original. Plagiarism will not be accepted

Mark Sheets & Certification

  • The student can get soft copy of mark sheets through the university website, the hard copy mark sheet would be provided only after successfully completion of full program along with degree certificate.
  • Once the student completes all the mandated assignments, examinations and projects (if applicable) the final mark sheet and certificate would be dispatched by the university to the student registered address
  • All pending payments/dues need to be cleared by the student, before the final certification
  • If required, the university may request the mandatory documents from student as submitted during admission time; the students may have to re-submit the same if required during final degree certification
  • Students need to apply by filling the Degree Application form and submit all the required documents and the applicable degree processing application fees of Rs. 1500/- to the university

Documents to be accompanied with Degree Application form are:

  • All Soft copies of Online Results / Online Mark Sheets for every semester/year as issued by KIIT.
  • In case of PG online program completed with KIIT, students have to also provide the bachelor’s degree certificate of their qualifying exams issued by their previous university.

Other Fees

Particulars For Indian Students in Rs. For Foreign /NRI Students
Bonafide Letter 300 $10
Transcripts 500 $20
Specialization Change Fees 1000 $40
Course Change Fees 1000 $40
Exam Re-Appearing Fees (per Subject) 400 $10
Project Evaluation 400 $10
Validation Extension Fees (1 year) 5000 $200
Degree Application Fees 1500 $50
Second Copy Mark Sheet 4000 $25
Second Copy Degree Certificate 1500 $50

*Specialization change or Course change only within 2 months of admission / registration; however not allowed after the batch closure